Microsoft’s Bill Gates Praises Steve Jobs’ Genius in User Interface Design
In a recent interview on Finance’s Opening Bid podcast, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates shared his admiration for Apple’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, particularly in the realm of user interface design. Gates acknowledged that Jobs had an intuitive sense of good design that he himself lacked, expressing envy for Jobs’ genius in this area. Despite Jobs’ lack of engineering knowledge, Gates noted that Jobs had an exceptional ability to select talented individuals in technical fields.
Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 and was ousted by the company’s board in 1985. He returned in 1997, revitalizing the company and forming a partnership with Microsoft. This collaboration included a $150 million investment from Microsoft, which agreed to develop Office apps for the Macintosh and set Internet Explorer as the default web browser for the Mac.
Gates revealed that Jobs learned a lot about engineering from him and his Microsoft teams, even though Jobs often pushed for idealistic design goals that required practical engineering solutions. Jobs’ vision for user-friendly software without manuals, for instance, was balanced by the necessity of documentation and help features.
Jobs passed away in October 2011 due to cancer, but his legacy lives on through groundbreaking products like the iPhone, iPad, and App Store. Today, Apple’s market valuation stands at $3.44 trillion, while Microsoft’s is $3.04 trillion.
Gates’ new book, “Source Code: My Beginning,” delves into his early life and the founding of Microsoft. In the book, Gates discusses his first experiences with drugs, including acid, which his co-founder Paul Allen introduced him to as a teenager. Gates credits his supportive parents, especially his mother, for much of his success, highlighting her role in shaping his work ethic and discipline.
Microsoft, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, continues to innovate in the tech industry. Gates’ insights into his relationship with Jobs and his reflections on his life and career provide a fascinating look into the minds of two of the tech world’s most influential figures.
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